... And you thought this day would never come! Apologies for the delay of this post, dear listeners. The Giant Wrockstravaganza, which was recorded during finals week at Whitman, is finally ready for your podcast-listening ears. It's a wide range of wrap, wrock, wfolk and the like, with new songs and old favorites. Enjoy!
Season 2 - Episode 14 - The Giant Wrockstravaganza
Look forward to new content starting late next month, providing that the Witching Hour get picked back up, of course! Write to KWCW and tell them you love us, just in case! Sara will be abroad, so tune in for the lovely tones of Mehera and Claire, day and time TBA.
This week's songs:
"B.Y.O.W" by Danny Dementor
"Broomsticks and Apparations" by Fawkes
"Can't Catch Us All" by the Weasel King
"Don't Leave" by Ministry of Magic
"Dumbledore ist bei dir" by Fresh Dumbledore
"Fang (Keeps Peeing in My Lake)" by the Giant Squidstravaganza
"Felix Felicis" by House of Black
"Flash Bang Done" by Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls
"For Those Who Are Desparate, For Those Who Are Lost, For Those Who Have Acne" by Bella's Love
"Hermione Skrews up the Polyjuice Potion" by Harry and the Potters
"The Human Hosepipe" by Harry and the Potters
"Lily" by Ministry of Magic
"Mauraders Forever" by the Remus Lupins
"Miss Bulstrode" by Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills
"Prefects are Hot" by the Moaning Myrtles
"Problem Solving Skillz" by Harry and the Potters
"Brotherly Love" by Gred and Forge
"The Real Mad-Eye Moody" by Philosopherock
"Save Ginny Weasley from the House of Awesome" by Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls
"Secret Kisses" by 142 Staircases
"This Town" by Ministry of Magic
"Underwater" by the Giant Stravaganza
"Wenn du denkst (mit Hermy G)" by Fresh Dumbledore
"Wizards Loving Wizards" by Tom Riddle and Friends
"Woe is Me" by Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls
"Gryffindor Rally Cry" by Ministry of Magic
"Wanna Be A Weasley" by I Speak Tree
"Whatever You Like" by DJ Ronald B
"Love Song for Professor Lupin" by the Parselmouths
"Draco and Harry" by Into the Pensieve
"I'm Bringing Sneakoscopes" by the Sneakoscopes
"I'll Love You Good" by Mimbulus Mimbletonia
"The Burrow" by the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Ministry of Magic wrocks (as if you didn't already know)

Photo courtesy of Jason's tumblr.
Dear listeners,Ministry of Magic's new album, MAGIC IS MIGHT, just dropped Friday. It features several songs which are already classics in our wizardly hearts—not to mention songs that have already gotten airplay on The Witching Hour. Now you can buy the whole thing on iTunes or as a hard copy.
Finding their album on iTunes shouldn't be toooo hard considering that they just hit #1 in the electronic section. Mainstreaming? In this case, we don't necessarily think it's a bad thing. Awesome work, guys!

Photo courtesy of Luke's Facebook.
The Witching Hour is about to wrap its second season this week, with a special show, just for you. Send you requests by Tuesday at midnight if you want to hear them on air! The show is at:WEDNESDAY ~ 7 to 9 p.m. ~
Essentially Mehera and Sara (and Claire!) will be playing their faves, things that might not always fit with the theme. And also lots from Magic is Might. And where was pt. 1? Well, our loyal fans will know that we had a similar show earlier this fall, but our podcasters won't remember because our recording software failed.
See you then! In the meantime, give MoM's single "Lily" a listen:
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
"I solemnly swear I'm up to good cheer"
Listen to Happy Christmas from Daniel Radcliffe
Season 2 - Episode 13 - "I solemnly swear that I'm up to good cheer"
Happy holidays from The Witching Hour! We've brought you the Christmahanukwanzaakah season a bit pre-maturely to celebrate the release of a yearly classic, Jingle Spells 4!
As you may or may not know, Jingle Spells is a charity effort put together by the Leaky Cauldron. You can buy it here. Proceeds go to the Harry Potter Alliance and other similarly fantastic organizations! Check it out, dear listeners.
And this week's playlist:
"Money for Christmas" by the Gringotts Goblin Choir
"A Gift for Lucius" by Draco and the Malfoys *
"Drop the Needle, It's Christmas" by Dumbledore
"Have Yourself a Harry Little Christmas" by Gred and Forge *
"When Bellatrix Came Over for Christmas/WHAT?" by Harry and the Potters *
"The Unexpected Christmas Carol" by the Honeydukes Cellar Gang *
"My Wish List" by MC Kreacher
"Help Me Hagrid" by Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills *
"Yuletide Anthem" by Kwikspell *
"Seasonal Depression" by the Whomping Willows
"Christmas Poo" by the Moaning Myrtles
"Happy Christmas (A Journey)" by Undesirable #1 *
"Funky Xmas" by Solitary Snape *
"The Cold, Wild Yonder" by Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls *
P.S. This week's title comes from the fantastic song by The Remus Lupins, found on Jingle Spells 2.
Season 2 - Episode 13 - "I solemnly swear that I'm up to good cheer"
Happy holidays from The Witching Hour! We've brought you the Christmahanukwanzaakah season a bit pre-maturely to celebrate the release of a yearly classic, Jingle Spells 4!

Album cover courtesy of The Leaky Cauldron.
Loaned to us by the lovely Claire Johnson, a number of this week's tracks come from the album, denoted with an asterisk. Unfortunately, with our hour limit, we didn't get to all the songs, which are completely wizardly, wintery, and fantastic.As you may or may not know, Jingle Spells is a charity effort put together by the Leaky Cauldron. You can buy it here. Proceeds go to the Harry Potter Alliance and other similarly fantastic organizations! Check it out, dear listeners.
And this week's playlist:
"Money for Christmas" by the Gringotts Goblin Choir
"A Gift for Lucius" by Draco and the Malfoys *
"Drop the Needle, It's Christmas" by Dumbledore
"Have Yourself a Harry Little Christmas" by Gred and Forge *
"When Bellatrix Came Over for Christmas/WHAT?" by Harry and the Potters *
"The Unexpected Christmas Carol" by the Honeydukes Cellar Gang *
"My Wish List" by MC Kreacher
"Help Me Hagrid" by Justin Finch-Fletchley and the Sugar Quills *
"Yuletide Anthem" by Kwikspell *
"Seasonal Depression" by the Whomping Willows
"Christmas Poo" by the Moaning Myrtles
"Happy Christmas (A Journey)" by Undesirable #1 *
"Funky Xmas" by Solitary Snape *
"The Cold, Wild Yonder" by Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls *
P.S. This week's title comes from the fantastic song by The Remus Lupins, found on Jingle Spells 2.
Thursday, December 2, 2010
these are dark times.

Photo courtesy of Warner Bros.
How about that opening? George's toothbrush-in-ear moment? WHY was Harry constantly almost-naked?! What'd'ya think of the revisions to Hedwig's death? And the acting, it didn't totally suck!This was a very special week for The Witching Hour. First, we played less music than usual, because there's just so much to say about... the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part 1, of course!! Second, we had a very special guest, Claire Johnson, future co-host of The Witching Hour (providing KWCW picks us back up again! Season 3, here we come?!). You may have seen the movie three times, but it's never too late to re-live it again!
Season 2 - Episode 12 - Deathly Hallows Reviewed
And of course, the week's tracks:
"Tom Felton's Kinda Hot" by Draco and the Malfoys
"Hedwig's Jam" by the Weasel King
"My Ear is Not Here" by Gred and Forge
"Seventeen Years" by the Butterbeer Experience
"Fast Friends and Infatuations" by Grindelwald's Revenge
"George and Fred" by Ginny and the Heartbreakers
"Part-werewolf for Hire" by Gred and Forge
"Song for the Death Eaters" by Harry and the Potters
"Penelope" by the Hermione Crookshanks Experience
"Harry Got Naked" by Ginny and the Heartbreakers
"Fated" by the Remus Lupins
"The Ballad of Dobby, a Free Elf" by Narcissa Black
"Chez Fleur" by Romilda Vane and the Chocolate Cauldrons
deathly hallows,
harry potter 7,
the witching hour
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Deathly Hallows, the holidays and more
Dear listeners,
Sorry to report, there'll be no radio show this week as we're both out of town on holiday. (Happy Thanksgiving from The Witching Hour!)
We'll be back on Tuesday, November 30 from 3-4 p.m. PST, surely with lots to chat about!!! We spent last Thursday evening outside Walla Walla Grand Cinemas chatting with Potter fans, dancing to wrock, dueling in the parking lot, and of course, watching what may very well be the best Harry Potter movie out yet.
In the meantime, check out a review, live-blog, and discussion of the film: from the Guardian, Movieline, and of course MuggleNet.
See you next week!

Photos courtesy of Miss Trisha Way.
Sorry to report, there'll be no radio show this week as we're both out of town on holiday. (Happy Thanksgiving from The Witching Hour!)
We'll be back on Tuesday, November 30 from 3-4 p.m. PST, surely with lots to chat about!!! We spent last Thursday evening outside Walla Walla Grand Cinemas chatting with Potter fans, dancing to wrock, dueling in the parking lot, and of course, watching what may very well be the best Harry Potter movie out yet.
In the meantime, check out a review, live-blog, and discussion of the film: from the Guardian, Movieline, and of course MuggleNet.
See you next week!

Your hosts as Hedwig, left, and Dobby, right.

Top fans MaryBeth and Trisha!
Photos courtesy of Miss Trisha Way.
deathly hallows,
harry potter 7,
the witching hour
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
The Final Battle (TWO DAYS)
It's our last show before the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, part one, and our last show before Thanksgiving (nom). So tune in! It turned out to be a great mix of songs this week, all about the final book/movies. We've got some homages to Hedwig, Snape, the Lupins, Dumbledore and more. We've got some news about the upcoming movie. And the weapon we've got is love. (Oh, wait...)

Season 2 - Episode 11 - The Final Battle
And this week's playlist:
"Goodbye Privet Drive" by Ministry of Magic
"Rebel Call" by the Whomping Willows
"Hedwig Lives" by the House of Black
"Open at the Close" by Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls
"Godric's Hallow" by Romilda Vane and the Chocolate Cauldrons
"Battle of Hogwarts" by Ministry of Magic
"The Second War" by Into the Pensieve
"A Phoenix Lament" by Ministry of Magic
"Teddy" by Obliviate!
"Potterwatch" by Catchlove
"The Bravest Man I Ever Knew" by Ministry of Magic
"Maybe Kreacher Will Bring Me a Sandwich" by Harry and the Potters
"Wizard Party Forever!!!" by the Whomping Willows

Photo courtesy of metro.co.uk.
Season 2 - Episode 11 - The Final Battle
And this week's playlist:
"Goodbye Privet Drive" by Ministry of Magic
"Rebel Call" by the Whomping Willows
"Hedwig Lives" by the House of Black
"Open at the Close" by Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls
"Godric's Hallow" by Romilda Vane and the Chocolate Cauldrons
"Battle of Hogwarts" by Ministry of Magic
"The Second War" by Into the Pensieve
"A Phoenix Lament" by Ministry of Magic
"Teddy" by Obliviate!
"Potterwatch" by Catchlove
"The Bravest Man I Ever Knew" by Ministry of Magic
"Maybe Kreacher Will Bring Me a Sandwich" by Harry and the Potters
"Wizard Party Forever!!!" by the Whomping Willows
harry potter 7,
midnight screening,
the witching hour,
wizard rock,
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Hunt for the Horcruxes; also, SIX DAYS

Photo courtesy of Spencerette via Flickr.
Finally! A new podcast! After last week's recording fiasco we figured out the trouble and got the podcast recording software to behave again. This week's theme drew inspiration (and wrock) heavily from Creevey Crisis's album VII, which chronicles each of the seven Horcruxes with a different song. It's kind of metal-y, so if that's your thing, definitely check it out. We may just have to add (w)metal to the growing list of genres played on the Witching Hour.
And remember, if you don't want to directly download the link here, you can always use iTunes to do your podcatching for you. Simply open iTunes, go to the iTunes store, and type "the Witching Hour" into the search bar. In the results, scroll down to the podcasts section. We're on the main page, on the right (the music one, next to the wiccan podcast). Otherwise, here you go:
Episode 10 - Season 2 - Hunt for the Horcruxes
This week's tunes:
"The Blood of a Prince" by Harry and the Potters
"The Diary" by Catchlove
"Song of the Locket" by Roonil Wazlib
"Ring" by Creevey Crisis
"The Diadem" by the Butterbeer Experience
"Harry" by Creevey Crisis
"Horcruxes" by Harry and the Potters
"Cup" by Creevey Crisis
"So This Is It (Taking Off That Locket)" by the Hermione Crookshanks Experience
"The 7th Horcrux" by the Remus Lupins
"Diadem" by Creevey Crisis
"The Deathly Hallows" by the Cruciatus Curse
Tune in next week for songs along the theme The Final Battle. Check the Facebook event for more.
creevey crisis,
harry potter,
harry potter 7,
wizard rock,
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Front-page news

(To read the last one, check out the About the Witching Hour link to the left, which was included as a KWCW show of the week spot in the newspaper.)

Wednesday, November 10, 2010
The Witching Hour apprentice
Dear listeners,
We know you are waiting on pins and needles for our next podcast (it will be up soon we promise), but in the meantime, we present to you some good news.
The Witching Hour has found itself an apprentice for next semester! Claire Johnson, a competitor in one of our recent events and a first-year at Whitman, has agreed to fill Sara's role as co-DJ while Sara is out of the country.
We know you are waiting on pins and needles for our next podcast (it will be up soon we promise), but in the meantime, we present to you some good news.
The Witching Hour has found itself an apprentice for next semester! Claire Johnson, a competitor in one of our recent events and a first-year at Whitman, has agreed to fill Sara's role as co-DJ while Sara is out of the country.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Magical deeds are afoot!
Bad news, dear listeners. Very bad news. The program we use to convert our live broadcasts into podcasts FAILED this week! So that means, unfortunately, no podcast today. SO SO SORRY!
I am especially sorry to the beautiful and talented Caitlin Goldie, whose poem we read on air.
But that doesn't mean you should be deprived of the knowledge of what we played. We shared with our live listeners the Halloween charity album, A Hogwarts Halloween.
It's only $7!!! And all the proceeds go to the Harry Potter Alliance! So buy it anyways, k wizards?
In other news, the Witching Hour was interviewed for the Pio today, woo. Check it next Thursday around Whitman campus. It's an article about the Weeks of Wizardry OF COURSE.
I am especially sorry to the beautiful and talented Caitlin Goldie, whose poem we read on air.
But that doesn't mean you should be deprived of the knowledge of what we played. We shared with our live listeners the Halloween charity album, A Hogwarts Halloween.
It's only $7!!! And all the proceeds go to the Harry Potter Alliance! So buy it anyways, k wizards?
In other news, the Witching Hour was interviewed for the Pio today, woo. Check it next Thursday around Whitman campus. It's an article about the Weeks of Wizardry OF COURSE.
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!

Obviously, as witches, we love Halloween. So go nom on some candy and scare some little kids. Just avoid the big trolls and the evil two-faced professors.
Check back here for Tuesday's show, A Hogwarts Halloween, which is all about a charity album for the Harry Potter Alliance!
In the coming weeks, look for more details on the Weeks of Wizardry, as well as all the deets from our shows about Horcruxes and HP7 in general.
Don't forget to get your ticket to the midnight premiere, too!
Friday, October 29, 2010
Harry Potter and the Weeks of Wizardry
Walla Walla: Check it. Two weeks of Harry Potter gloriousness. See and respond to the WEB Facebook events and The Witching Hour Facebook events!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Luna Lovegood ft. TRISHA WAY

Image courtesy of Makani.
Two common themes this week on the Witching Hour: Luna Lovegood is awesome. And Trisha Way is awesome.Trisha, our #1 fan, guest-starred this week to give listeners the 411 on Luna's quirkiest quirks. A few microphone issues down, we were in business. Tune in to the podcast for a few laughs and a lot of great Luna-inspired wrock.
Episode 8 - Season 2 - Luna Lovegood
Songs this week:
"Lovegood" by Ministry of Magic
"I Believe in Nargles" by The Whomping Willows
"Loony Luna" by The Quaffle Kids
"The Ballad of Neville and Luna" by The Remus Lupins
"Luna Lovegood" by RiddleTM
"We are the DA" by Oliver Boyd & The Rememberalls
"Luna Lovegood is OK" by Harry and the Potters
"Voldemort, Peace Off!" by The Basilisk in Your Pasta ** One of Trisha's favorites.
"Whatever You Like" by DJ Ronald B ** Also a Trisha favorite.
"Luna" by The Weasel King
"Save the Quibbler" by Gred and Forge
"I'll Love You Good" by Mimbulus Mimbletonia
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
CAPS LOCK: An interview with ALL CAPS

Album courtesy of ALL CAPS.
Catch an exclusive interview with wrockers Luke Conard and Kristina Horner, aka ALL CAPS, recorded July 5, 2010 in Portland. Reporting by DJ Sara "we r wizards" Rasmussen with assistance from Sara "magical mystery" Kittleson. Thanks, Sara!
Season 2 - Episode 7 - CAPS LOCK
The playlist is a little shorter this week due to the interview of course. To get your fill, check out ALL CAPS' new EP lowercase, on iTunes and on their web site, ALLCAPSband.com
"Don't Unplug Me" by ALL CAPS
"Trainers in Love" by ALL CAPS ** From their new album lowercase!
"Being in Slytherin is Not Half Bad" by The Parselmouths
"What Kind of Name is Hermione?" by The Parselmouths
"Falling Sidecar" by Ministry of Magic
"Accio Love" (Acoustiatus version) by Ministry of Magic
"This Town" by Ministry of Magic
"This is Never Going to End" by The Parselmouths
"Can't Catch us All" by The Weasel King
"The Bravest Man I Ever Knew" by Ministry of Magic
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The Ministry of Magic — We're all the justice that you need!
This week on The Witching Hour, Mehera and Sara explore the anti-government sentiments that are rampant in wizard rock.
Season 2 - Episode 6! The Ministry of Magic!
Songs this week:
"At the Ministry" by the Butterbeer Experience
"Ministry of Magic" by Ministry of Magic
"A Ministry-Approved Christmas" by Peeved
"Cornelius Fudge is an Ass" by Harry and the Potters
"Down with the Ministry" by Justin Finch-Fletchley & the Sugar Quills
"Thoughts on the Ministry of Magic" by the Whomping Willows
"The Veil" by the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office
"Stick it to Dolores" by Harry and the Potters
"We are the DA" by Oliver Boyd & the Rememberalls
"Prophecy" by the Cruciatus Curse
"Expulsion during Disapparation" by Harry and the Potters
P.S. pukey, pukey, pukey, pukey, pukey ON THE FLOOR.
P.P.S. If you don't get that last post script, DEFINITELY listen to this podcast.
Season 2 - Episode 6! The Ministry of Magic!
Songs this week:
"At the Ministry" by the Butterbeer Experience
"Ministry of Magic" by Ministry of Magic
"A Ministry-Approved Christmas" by Peeved
"Cornelius Fudge is an Ass" by Harry and the Potters
"Down with the Ministry" by Justin Finch-Fletchley & the Sugar Quills
"Thoughts on the Ministry of Magic" by the Whomping Willows
"The Veil" by the Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office
"Stick it to Dolores" by Harry and the Potters
"We are the DA" by Oliver Boyd & the Rememberalls
"Prophecy" by the Cruciatus Curse
"Expulsion during Disapparation" by Harry and the Potters
P.S. pukey, pukey, pukey, pukey, pukey ON THE FLOOR.
P.P.S. If you don't get that last post script, DEFINITELY listen to this podcast.
harry potter,
ministry of magic,
the witching hour,
wizard rap,
wizard rock,
Monday, October 4, 2010
Harry + Voldie 4 EVER

Photo courtesy of lughole.net.
I found this photo, a production shot from Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, while googling for images of the Ministry of Magic for our upcoming show. At first glance, I thought it was some sort of deleted scene screen shot from the movie. It is totally messing with my head right now. Please allow it to mess with yours, too.
Check back later this week (because I know you totally do....) for the podcast on the Ministry of Magic.
love sara
Thursday, September 30, 2010

We now present Season 2, Episode 5 — Portus!
And now a new feature, the playlist from this week:
"Broomstick" by Draco and the Malfoys
"Flight" by Witherwings
"Firebolt" by Harry and the Potters
"Floo Powder" by Wrackspurt!
"Portkey into Your Heart" by Into the Pensieve
"Pensieve Diggory" by Ministry of Magic
"Get on the Bus" by Oliver Boyd and the Rememberalls
"Freedom is Only a Hippogriff Away" by the Mudbloods
"On Thestral, We Ride" by the Hermione Crookshanks Experience
"Your Flying Car" by the Whomping Willows
"Platform 9 3/4" by Harry and the Potters
"Meet Me on Diagon Alley" by Ministry of Magic
"Two Weeks to Myself" by Harry and the Potters
Also, become a follower through Google! Just follow the link below and to the left. You might earn yourself a shout-out.
floo powder,
harry potter,
the witching hour,
wizard rock,
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Read about us in The Pioneer!

Every Christmas the Weasley family gathers in their living room to listen to the latest hits on the Witching Hour. However, since the mysterious disappearance of the hosts of the Witching Hour from the Wizarding Wireless Network studios in Diagon Alley in 1998, Christmas has not been the same. Yet recent reports of wizard rock on the radio suggest the two hosts are alive and wrockin’. They appear to have relocated to Walla Walla, Washington and have taken the aliases of Mehera “this guitar is a horcrux” Nori and Sara “we r wizards” Rasmussen. Neither Mehera nor Sara are entirely certain how they ended up among muggles, but continue to celebrate the tales of their good friend Harry Potter and his triumph over He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. In January of 2010, Sara and Mehera revived their wizard rock radio programme for the sake of maintaining their wizard culture, and for the musical enjoyment of muggles. Wizard rock is an all-encompassing genre of (w)rock, (w)folk, (w)techno, (w)rap, and lyrics written to the tune of J.K. Rowling. Though Sara and Mehera are far from their home, the Weasleys are pleased to have the show back on the air (and on iTunes) once again.
Wizard Favorites:
“I am a Wizard” by Harry and the Potters
“Teenage Werewolf” by the Remus Lupins
“My Dad is Rich” by Draco and the Malfoys
“Ginny Gets Around” by Gred and Forge
“Voldemort, Peace Off!” by the Basilisk in Your Pasta
Catch The Witching Hour on Tuesdays from 3-4 p.m. on 90.5 FM Walla Walla, streaming online at KWCW.net, or as a podcast on iTunes. Visit our Facebook page or thewitchinghourkwcw.blogspot.com for more!
Look for our upcoming show, called Portus!, next week!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Wrock Wrenditions!
The latest, the greatest, the newest wizard reinterpretions of muggle favorites. It's Season 2 - Episode 3 - Wrock Wrenditions.
the witching hour,
wizard rock,
Wrockstravaganza? We wish.
Bad news, dear listeners.
Because of the poor audio quality of last week's wrockstravaganza, we won't have a podcast version for that episode. Fortunately, it was a special show featuring our favorite tunes, so you're not missing out on too many factoids or info on the latest flicks. If you are dying to know what we played, find our group on Facebook or e-mail us at thewitchinghour.kwcw@gmail.com and we'll let you know what songs you should BUY to support wizard rockers.
We'll have this week's show up soon, promise.
Because of the poor audio quality of last week's wrockstravaganza, we won't have a podcast version for that episode. Fortunately, it was a special show featuring our favorite tunes, so you're not missing out on too many factoids or info on the latest flicks. If you are dying to know what we played, find our group on Facebook or e-mail us at thewitchinghour.kwcw@gmail.com and we'll let you know what songs you should BUY to support wizard rockers.
We'll have this week's show up soon, promise.
harry potter,
the witching hour,
wizard rock,
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Hey guys!
Sara and I are doing a special 2-hour show tonight from 8-10 PM (Pacific Time)! We'll be playing some of our favorite wrock songs and doing some Tales of Beedle the Bard reading. So if you didn't get enough HP in your day yesterday, tune in tonight! (And if you can't tune in tonight, look out for the podcast.)
Sara and I are doing a special 2-hour show tonight from 8-10 PM (Pacific Time)! We'll be playing some of our favorite wrock songs and doing some Tales of Beedle the Bard reading. So if you didn't get enough HP in your day yesterday, tune in tonight! (And if you can't tune in tonight, look out for the podcast.)
harry potter,
whitman college,
wizard rock,
Back at Hogwarts!
We know you missed us, even if you've been tuning in all summer. But not to worry, we're back with all new, fresh, hip, happenin' wizard rock. So rejoice!
It sure is great to be back at Hogwarts.
love Sara
It sure is great to be back at Hogwarts.
love Sara
harry potter,
the witching hour,
wizard rap,
wizard rock,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Dear listeners,
Mehera and I just had our first show, BACK AT HOGWARTS, and we're so excited. Look for the podcast version tonight, at the real witching hour.
We've got all sorts of exciting things lined up for you this semester, so stay tuned!
Tuesdays from 3-4 p.m. PST on 90.5 FM Walla Walla, or stream online at kwcw.net!
Mehera and I just had our first show, BACK AT HOGWARTS, and we're so excited. Look for the podcast version tonight, at the real witching hour.
We've got all sorts of exciting things lined up for you this semester, so stay tuned!
Tuesdays from 3-4 p.m. PST on 90.5 FM Walla Walla, or stream online at kwcw.net!
the witching hour,
wizard rock,
Monday, August 30, 2010
Meta wrock!

Photo courtesy of Mary Grandpre.
The Witching Hour - Season 1 - Episode 12 - Meta Wrock
Dude, that's so meta.
the witching hour,
wizard rap,
wizard rock,
Monday, August 23, 2010
Ginny and her boyfriends VS. the Weasleys
The Witching Hour - Season 1 - Episode 11 - Ginny and her boyfriends VS. the Weasleys
Everyone knows that compared to the trifling sexual experiences of most characters in the Potterverse, Ginny Weasley gets around. Coming in with a whomping one invitation to a dance and three boyfriends before marrying the last of them, she trounces her competitors. It leaves the fellow Weasleys shaking their heads, judging her, coveting her skills... or all of the above.
This week, we mix together songs about Ginny, songs about her boyfriends, and songs about those other Weasleys.
love sara
Everyone knows that compared to the trifling sexual experiences of most characters in the Potterverse, Ginny Weasley gets around. Coming in with a whomping one invitation to a dance and three boyfriends before marrying the last of them, she trounces her competitors. It leaves the fellow Weasleys shaking their heads, judging her, coveting her skills... or all of the above.
This week, we mix together songs about Ginny, songs about her boyfriends, and songs about those other Weasleys.
love sara
Monday, August 9, 2010
Marauders Forever
The Witching Hour - Season 1 - Episode 10 - Marauders Forever
omgz ALEX CARPENTER ALEX CARPENTER he talked to us he talked to us! Listen to the interview! It's awesome!
love sara
omgz ALEX CARPENTER ALEX CARPENTER he talked to us he talked to us! Listen to the interview! It's awesome!
love sara
Monday, August 2, 2010
TeEnAgE AnGsT!!!!!!
The Witching Hour - Season 1 - Episode 9 - TeEnAgE AnGsT
Nobody understand you? Feeling all alone? Hate the world and everyone in it? Also happen to be a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? That's because I forgot to post this last week. Sorry, kids. It's been a busy summer.
love sara
Nobody understand you? Feeling all alone? Hate the world and everyone in it? Also happen to be a student at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry? That's because I forgot to post this last week. Sorry, kids. It's been a busy summer.
love sara
Monday, July 19, 2010
The Witching Hour - Season 1 - Episode 8 - TRUE love TRUE love TRUE love
I love technology. I just figured out how to embed the mp3s on the page! Show it to your children, to your wives, to your friends, to your lovers! IT'S TRUE LOVE!
love sara
I love technology. I just figured out how to embed the mp3s on the page! Show it to your children, to your wives, to your friends, to your lovers! IT'S TRUE LOVE!
love sara
Monday, July 12, 2010
Care of Magical Creatures
The Witching Hour - Season 1 - Episode 7 - Care of Magical Creatures
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
The Triwizard Tournament
The Witching Hour - Season 1 - Episode 6 - The Triwizard Tournament
Come and get some Cedric Hottery, or at the very least, a bit of Viktor Yum.
Ministry of Magic // The Parselmouths // ALL CAPS
Clicky clicky! Listen listen! It's me, at the wrock concert I attended yesterday. Also, a minor correction—I didn't end up interviewing Matt from The Whomping Willows (or his girlfriend Lauren from The Moaning Myrtles) but they both promised a Skype interview for Mehera and myself in the fall, so look for that. Also look this fall for our interview with ALL CAPS. After the show, they let me and Sara (my lovely Grinnellian) carry their mic stands and their guitars! I carried Luke Conard's guitar!! YAY ALL CAPS!
Speaking of which, ALL CAPS = Luke Conard from Ministry of Magic + Kristina Horner of The Parselmouths. Look them up. Buy their music. It's great. They're great.
love sara
Friday, July 2, 2010
You're old.
Check this out: If you're reading this blog, you're probably old.
People born on the day that Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone was published are already teenagers. There are people in the world who can't remember when the first HP came out! Oh shit!
(Thanks to my housemate Elz for the link via the ol' FB.)
love sara
Monday, June 28, 2010
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
They're coming!! That's right, as the Facebook message that directed you to this page indicated, The Witching Hour podcasts will be available soon.
First up will be episode four, Party Like You're EVIL!
So in the meantime, refresh your memory by reading our old Facebook event, googling Lord Voldemort or watching movie six, because it's almost time for some serious villainy to go down.
love sara
Monday, June 14, 2010
Welcome, dear readers, to our very own blog. We'll use it to keep you updated on The Witching Hour and provide you with podcasts of our shows, exclusive interviews with wrockers like Alex Carpenter of the Remus Lupins, and whatever else we think to throw at you.
Remember to follow us on Facebook at our group, The Witching Hour, and keep tuned to KWCW 90.5 FM Walla Walla all summer long. The Witching Hour will be back on the air before you know it!
love mehera+sara
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